
Kinesio Taping

Kinesio Taping (also Kinesiology Tape) is a specialized form of elastic therapeutic tape with an acrylic adhesive that offers support and stability to joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It essentially mimics the skin and can be used to support muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves. It is effective in treating many physical disorders and is used as preventative maintenance. When used to treat athletic injuries, Kinesio Taping can allow an athlete to continue to participate in his or her sport, while augmenting treatment.

Dr. Christian Barney is a certified Kinesio Taping Instructor; one of the first in Orange county. He has been certified for 10 years and collaborates with the rest of the certified team at Performance Health & Wellness.

All About Kinesio Taping

Some Interesting Facts About Kinesio Taping

  • Sports tape has to be changed every few hours, but Kinesio Tape is durable and can be worn for days.
  • Kinesio Tape has a 140% elasticity matching skin.
  • Kinesio Tape has a 100% high-grade cotton patented design enhancing airflow and wicking sweat and water to enhance the skin’s ability to breathe.
  • Kinesio Tape gives non-restricted support allowing muscles to perform a full range of motion, easily and comfortably.
  • Kinesio Tape offers lasting support and pain relief.
  • Kinesio Taping Methods from properly trained medical personnel can structurally lift the skin and allow the flow of body fluids under the application area reducing inflammation and discomfort.
  • Kinesio Tape is hypo-allergenic

Kinesio taping is beneficial if you suffer from:

  • Bodily pain such as back and neck, wrist, foot, ankle, shoulder, and knee pain
  • Tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Scar tissue

How Does Kinesio Taping Work?

Kinesio Tape is used to help relax overused muscles and hence allow them to recover. Kinesio Tape can also be used in rehabilitation to facilitate underused muscles by having a lifting effect on the skin thereby reducing swelling and inflammation while improving circulations.

If you are suffering from body pains or sports injuries or you need support to facilitate continued competitions, let us show you how Kinesio Taping can help you. Call our office at (949) 476-1250.

ART for Optimal Health

Active Release Techniques® (ART) are specialized movement-based massage techniques used to treat a spectrum of injuries of soft tissue. We believe in measurable results offered by ART for a variety of conditions. The entire team at Performance Health & Wellness are ART certified at the highest Level and Dr. Christian Barney is a lead instructor on the board of education for ART.

Let us show you how ART can help you live your best life. Call (949) 476-1250.

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We have carefully cultivated a compendium of treatments and technologies to address the health concerns of our patients. Read more about the conditions we can treat and the effective and measurable solutions we offer to help our patients achieve healing and optimal health.