
Post Surgical Complications

Are you experiencing Post-Surgical Complications? While surgery is often the last resort, there are times it is necessary. When all other options or alternatives have not provided satisfactory results, surgery can be the best and seemingly only solution. Surgical results can vary; sometimes procedures can prove to be beneficial, while other times the problems still persist despite numerous surgical attempts to solve them. Regardless of the results, surgery is a very invasive procedure that alters the normal structure and function of the body. With every surgery a person has, scar tissue formation is inevitable. This scar tissue changes the normal movement patterns of the body, which not only reduces the range of motion, but also places excessive stress on muscles, joints, ligaments, and even bones.

As such, regardless of whether the results of surgery are successful or not, the new scar tissue must be addressed to avoid faulty movement patterns and stress to surrounding soft tissue structures. If nothing is done to restore normal function to the area, further injury can occur.

What Are Some Of The Symptoms Of Surgical Complication?

  • Excessive scar tissue
  • Reduction in range of motion
  • Continuation of pre-surgery symptoms
  • New pains in surrounding areas
  • Loss of normal function
  • Failed surgical resolution

How We Can Help

If you are continuing to suffer pain and reduced mobility after surgery, Performance Health & Wellness can help you feel good again. With strategies to address pain, scar tissue, loss of function and mobility, and reduced range of motion we will empower you with tools to take control of your recovery and facilitate your own full health and wellness. Comprehensive recovery after surgery should involve solutions for every aspect of health from fitness and nutrition to movement and system balance and should ensure that any underlying conditions that led to surgery are managed.

ART for Optimal Health

Active Release Techniques® (ART) are specialized movement-based massage techniques used to treat a spectrum of injuries of soft tissue. We believe in measurable results offered by ART for a variety of conditions. The entire team at Performance Health & Wellness are ART certified at the highest Level and Dr. Christian Barney is a lead instructor on the board of education for ART.

Let us show you how ART can help you live your best life. Call (949) 476-1250.

Your Concerns, Our Solutions

We have carefully cultivated a compendium of treatments and technologies to address the health concerns of our patients. Read more about the conditions we can treat and the effective and measurable solutions we offer to help our patients achieve healing and optimal health.